In health care, emergencies can happen at any time and you need to know that your equipment will work no matter what happens.

Power-Packer’s Electro-Hydraulic Manual Multi-Cylinder (MMC) won’t let you down. This long-lasting electro-hydraulic actuator system is designed to operate multiple movements in the most innovative medical applications. It combines the performance of an electro-hydraulic and manual-hydraulic system, with up to four manual back-up functions should you lose power. Using a simple handset selector, the operator can choose which cylinder to use. The selector is integrated into the pump, for optimal savings in size and weight. All available double-acting cylinders can be combined, giving you the flexibility to create the ideal system for your needs.

  • Reduces overall equipment maintenance and cost-of-ownership for end-users
  • Enhanced performance, high load forces, optimum technology for bariatric needs
  • Manual override for 4 cylinders to ensure operation if power supply fails
  • Operating comfort for manual override (selector), easy cylinder selection by means of handset
  • Zero-maintenance design
  • System-tested and pre-filled for immediate guaranteed performance
  • Valves have integrated safety function mounted to cylinder

EH MMC specifications

Electro-Hydraulic MMC applications include: Operating tables, hospital beds, psychiatric beds, medical chairs, stretchers and other unique applications.

  • Operate up to 12 cylinders (electro-hydraulic) including up to four back up functions (manual-hydraulic)
  • One to 12 double acting hydraulic cylinders: 1,910 and 3,147 lbs. push forces
  • Two hoses per cylinder: 3.3 ft./4.9 ft./6.6 ft.
  • Pump motor: 12V or 24V
  • Electrical part: IP 68
  • Selector function: manual or electrical. Manual by rotating the shaft, one of the cylinders can be selected.
  • Pump function: manual or electrical. The selected cylinder is extended by pumping the foot pedal down or by handset (electro-hydraulic). The selected cylinder is retracted by pumping the foot pedal down or by handset (electro-hydraulic)

Talk with our engineering team today to determine
the best medical actuator for your unique needs.


Have a specific medical application need?

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